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VIDEO – Introducing Murmurations

This session from The Open Co-op conference introduces the concept of protocols, and Murmurations as a method to coordinate the vast diversity within our decentralised movement.

The video covers:

3 thoughts on “VIDEO – Introducing Murmurations”

  1. What prevents abuse? I mean, what if it is widely adopted, and then polluted? (And what’s with the white text on white background with this comment system? Damned difficult to see what one is typing…)

    1. Oliver Sylvester-Bradley

      Hi, Sorry about the white on white – that has been fixed 😉
      Re security and spam – here’s what we wrote in the whitepaper:

      How will spam or off-topic content be kept out of the network?
      Murmurations is intended as an open network. In keeping with the nature of an inclusive, decentralized economy, there are not strict criteria for who should or shouldn’t be part of the network. However, as in any participatory internet platform, mechanisms need to be in place to prevent spam and support quality content.

      Four tools will be used to keep Murmurations as free from spam as possible:
      • Ally links will create a credibility graph of nodes on the network
      • Aggregator flagging will identify off-topic or spammy nodes or feed content
      • Blacklist lookup — node URLs and submitting IPs can be checked against third-party spam blacklists
      • Node scores will be calculated based on the three criteria above and the content of node data. Aggregators will be able to automatically exclude nodes whose score is lower than a threshold specified by the aggregator.

      But these are just initial ideas… and we would welcome other thoughts and suggestions…

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