Information for Developers
Murmurations is an open source decentralised data sharing project, which provides a flexible approach to ontology to accelerate the use of interoperable, composable data. We want to put end users in charge of their data and to increase the reliability, integrity, and portability of data.
Murmurations applies the principles of composability to enable data holders to share data using existing, or their own, ontologies to liberate the potential of open data sharing across platforms and networks.
The flexible approach to ontology is built around an open-source field library, to which anyone can contribute. These fields are assembled into schemas. Whenever fields are re-used, data which is shared using these fields becomes interoperable, increasing the total value of the data in the network and the ability for deeper integration and more advanced uses of the data.
Murmurations provides access to a growing body of interoperable data and tools to simplify data sharing. Composable data, which Murmurations aims to support, enables a rich set of applications that facilitate decentralised collaboration and empower groups to activate their networks in new and exciting ways.
What can you develop with Murmurations?

Map a network
Upload existing data and/or enable your network’s members to manage their own profiles to distribute the effort of keeping network maps up to date.

Create custom schemas
Build on the library of fields to create interoperable schemas and map other types of entities using custom fields and new data types.

Create systems maps
Use the 'relationships' field to create triples (subject > predicate > object) which support systems and relationship maps from graph databases.
See more ideas for things you can build using Murmurations including:
– Local maps and directories drawing data from multiple sources,
– Local, or sector specific, news sites,
– An Open Projects Hub
– A decentralised market-place for the exchange of goods and services
Support Murmurations
Murmurations is an unfunded volunteer-led project.
Please consider making a donation to support the development of better maps, directories and aggregators.
Donate in BTC to: 1BH3oRiRfhwPBgvTdUuG5cy1zP5ppMD8Wg
To donate in ETH please contact us.