This page features various Murmurations demos, showing how distributed interoperable data which follows the Murmurations protocol can be used.
If you develop a demo using Murmurations please let us know and we will add it here.
Mapping Demos
We have built two demonstration maps which visualise all the geographic data in the Murmurations Index.
- The
has been set up to provide a space for developers to test and view submissions before submitting them to the production Index. - The
shows the data from the main, production index.

Once you have tested things out in our test environment and you are ready to put real data in Murmurations, use the production URLs to submit nodes to the main index and view them on the production map above. See the Docs for a full explanation of all the Test and Live environments.
Custom embedded maps
You can use the maps above to create quick and easy custom maps, which you can embed on any other website inside an iframe.
See the example below, which shows Alternative economy projects in Paris, using the following code embedded in a, iframe:
See more examples and instructions for how to create custom embedded maps on the blog.
Alternative economy projects in Paris
WordPress Demos
We have a WordPress Demo site running, using the Murmurations WordPress Collaborative Map Builder Plugin, which shows several demo maps and directories using data from the Murmurations index. uses the Murmurations Collaborative Map Builder plugin for WordPress to show a map and directory of organisations in London, UK:
The WordPress Collaborative Map Builder plugin also enables the easy publishing of maps and directories of Offers and Wants.
Systems Maps
We are working with the Collaborative Technology Alliance to produce a systems map of the CTA Members, based on bi-directional relationships in the CTA’s and the CTA Member’s Profiles. For example, the map below only shows profiles for CTA Members which have specified their relationship with the CTA using the following code as part of their profile:
{ "predicate_url": "", "object_url": "" }
By comparing the relationships in the Member’s profiles with the relationships in the CTA’s own profile the ecosystem map is designed to ONLY show genuine CTA Members.
The Index Explorer
To demonstrate what you can do via the API we built the Murmurations Index Explorer to provide a graphical user interface for searching data in the Murmurations Index.
Explore the Murmurations network via the Test Index Explorer and Live Index Explorer.

Version 1.0 Demos
In February 2021 we were running Version 1.0, of the Murmurations Protocol for which we built some demos:
Community Currency Map
The Community Currency Map demonstrates how Murmurations can be used to build a filterable map and directory of sector specific data. Community Currency projects share their data via a specific Murmurations schema which makes the data interoperable. The demo map and directory were built using the v1 Murmurations WordPress Aggregator.

NB. Version 1.0 has now been deprecated, so the demos above will no longer be updated. If you want to add profiles to Murmurations, to the test or live Index, please use the Version 2.0 Demos above.