Murmurations is a simple protocol for sharing data across platforms and networks to increase inter-group collaboration.
In the same way that http enables us to use different devices and browsers to access the web, the Murmurations protocol enables anyone, anywhere, on any platform to post offers and wants on their preferred platform and anyone else, using any other platform, to find their offers and get in touch.
Check out the short video below to learn more and get in touch if you, or your group, is interested in using the protocol.
The video introduces Murmurations and highlights how small organizations in the regenerative movement can share offers and wants across platforms and networks. Organisations can present and broadcast their needs, offers, and opportunities globally, using tools like the Murmurations WordPress Profile Generator and Map Builder Plugin. By adopting the protocol, groups can increase visibility and reach beyond their local communities, making their products and services discoverable across the multiple platforms and ethical marketplaces of other regenerative economy groups.
Through this decentralized system, organisations can pool resources and collaborate more effectively, helping to develop a new economy grounded in transparency, ethical values, and decentralized data-sharing. Whether for a local project or a global initiative, Murmurations empowers groups to amplify their message and participate in the regenerative economy.